How often have you wanted to chat with a friend using your iPhone but not been able to because you aren’t connected to the internet and don’t even have network coverage?
Well, the new and free FireChat app could be just what you need. This app works by using an iOS feature which allows the user to set up their own mini network.
When you open up the app you get put into the “Everyone” room, which is where you will find, well, everyone, really. Actually, not quite everyone is in her. This is because you can speak to nearby people in a different way.
Find People Up to 30 Feet Away
The Nearby option allows you to chat to anyone who is within Wi-Fi or Bluetooth range, which is about 30 feet. This could come in handy while you are out in the wilds, travelling on a plane or in a number of other situations.
The FireChat app works by creating a mini-internet, which is more technically known as a mesh network. This is possible because iOS 7 has a feature called Multipeer Connectivity Framework. Over time this network feature could grow into something really big, with larger groups of users allowing more people to access the network more easily.
Of course, the fact that you are off the grid when you speak to someone using FireChat means that it is also a good way of carrying out secret conversations.
Would you like to give this sort of app a try or can you not think of any great use for it in your life?