Five Cases Which Show Off and Protect Your iPhone 5

Posted on Nov 18 2012 - 11:08pm by Richard Sharp

So you’ve managed to get your mitts on an Apple iPhone 5 and your primary concern is keeping it looking good, whilst maintaining that cool factor. You want to show it off, right? We’ve got five of the latest cases that will help you do just that.

Griffin’s Reveal Case – 1mm Clear Protection with a splash of colour

Traditional bumper cases are great because they add a flair of colour, but are flawed because they don’t cover the back of the iPhone. This is where the Reveal case from Griffin comes in because it wraps your phone in ultra transparent plastic whilst adding a bumper in either black, white, grey, pool blue, fluoro orange, fluoro fire, fluoro citron and blue. Get it at Mobile Fun, along with other iPhone 5 cases.

Antique leather iPhone 5 Wallet from Zenok Leather

Not all cases have to leave your iPhone exposed to make it look beautiful. The antique leather case from Zenok Leather proves this and can be tailored to fit your style and requirements. You see, it’s made by a craftsman on Etsy and is available is six great colours and can be monogrammed too (if you’re into that sort of thing). Check is out at Zenok Leather’s online store.

eLifeStore® iPhone 5 Transparent Crystal Case

This one is touted as ‘a perfect case for people who do not like cases’. It’s clear on all sides and adds mere millimetres to the iPhone’s form factor. The price isn’t too steep either and you can pick one up for around £2.95. Check out Amazon for the latest price and reviews of this case.

Otter Box Defender Case for iPhone 5

Some people treat their phones badly, sometimes it’s not even their fault. Plumbers, builders and extreme sportspeople for example can all bash up their phones easily; some people are just plain clumsy too. The solution to this is the Otterbox Defender case which wraps the iPhone 5 in three layers of protection whilst maintaining an ultra modern look. You can choose from a range of colours too which means you don’t have to sacrifice your individuality for the sake of protecting your phone.

SwithEasy Nude for iPhone 5

Being naked is always fun, right? Well, if you sign on to this way of thinking then you’ll love the Nude case for the iPhone 5, which despite what is sounds like is available in 12 different colours. It’s also available in transparent plastic, obviously. Check it out over at the SwitchEasy website.

Have you seen, or used, any cases which enhance the iPhone 5? Let us know below.

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