Ford to Focus on Car Technology Wearables

Posted on Jan 27 2016 - 8:58am by Robert

Car giant Ford has revealed that it will be carrying out a lot of wearables research at its new lab in Dearborn, Michigan,

Among the goals of this new Ford wearables research centre in the US will be finding ways of linking in-car technology to health information.

One example of this could be if your smartwatch can tell you that you are getting tired, potentially meaning that the car could take over driving duties for a while or else flash you up a warning.

Another way it could work is if the person behind the wheel gets agitated during heavy traffic, as seen in an increasing pulse rate. In this car, the vehicle could adapt to the situation by helping to increase the distance between it and other cars.

When the Human Needs to Take Over


A different type of situation could arise when the car is drifting along in cruise control but a situation up ahead (such as bad weather or a nasty accident) means that the human driver should take over again. This could be done by vibrating a wristband or lights flashing on the dashboard to alert the driver’s attention.

One more thing Ford are working on in the lab is voice control for their vehicles. This would allow the owner to speak a password in order to open the car and start it. Additionally, the researchers here are looking into the likes of virtual reality driving experiences to tempt new buyers to choose their cars.

Do you want wearables for driving or do you prefer the old school approach?


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