Google Doodle Says Happy St. Valentine’s Day to the World

Posted on Feb 13 2011 - 10:47pm by Richard Sharp

The last week has been a real hot bed of activity on the Google Doodle front, first the big G paid tribute to Jules Verne and a couple of days later a similar tribute was paid to the most famous inventor of all time – Thomas Edison. Today it is no surprise to see the famous and colourful Google logo replaced with a valentine’s day Doodle.

Unlike the Edison Doodle todays is not animated and is much more vibrant featuring a reorganised logo where the word love can be clearly read. The first O has also been replaced with a heart which of course symbolises love.

Like previous Doodles if you click on it you will be led to the search results for the subject which of course is Valentine’s Day, 14th February 2011. After the break is a whistle stop tour of the history of Valentine ’s Day.


There are a few theories surrounding the day, the most popular story came from Valentine of Rome who served as priest under the rule of Claudius II. The emperor believed that unmarried men made better soldiers and outlawed marriage. Valentine thought this unfair and took the decision to marry couples in secret, unfortunately for him the Emperor found out and promptly had Valentine executed.

Another story is that Valentine was a prisoner who fell in love with the jailers’ daughter, before his execution he sent a letter proclaiming his love signing it ‘Your Valentine’. Some people are see Valentine’s Day as another way for retailers to make money, we are just glad it provides Google with another reason to create a cool Doodle.

Happy Valentine’s Day

Today’s Doodle should be seen as a gift to every Google user, Why – you ask? Well simply put Google has unofficially become every users valentine, whether you get 10 cards or none at all at least you know Google loves you. Happy Valentine’s day everyone.

Feel free to share love, hit the like button or leave a message below.

1 Comment so far. Feel free to join this conversation.

  1. lia February 14, 2011 at 12:01 pm - Reply

    i don't like it

    neither the edison one

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