Those of you who have logged into Google calendars today may have noticed it looks more like a rainbow rather than a calendar. Google has announced that events can now be colour coded to make organising your life a breeze.
The illustration on the official Google blog simply shows different events in different colours, this can prove useful when organising different genres of events or even different people on the same calendar. For example you could shade all work based events in red, social events in green and personal appointments in blue so you can easily distinguish between them. Other suggestions include setting events by priority, now they’ve added colour it seems the possibilities are endless ;-).
To select different colours simply click on the downwards arrow next to the event title, once enabled users can choose from an array of different colours. Google began rolling out this update on 9th May and should be available to all by the end of the week.
What other features do you feel Google should be adding to their calendars?