HTC Reveal Android 2.2 Froyo Available on HTC Legend

Posted on Dec 11 2010 - 8:56pm by Richard Sharp

Earlier we talked about how Samsung had revealed the Galaxy S would receive an upgrade to Android Gingerbread via Twitter; it seems the micro blogging site is also the choice of HTC who have announced that Android 2.2 is finally available for the HTC Legend in Europe.

The Tweet read “The Android 2.2 update for Legend is now live across Europe. Thanks for your patience everyone! Happy Holidays.”

Android 2.2, AKA Froyo, has been available for some time and Legend owners can now update their handsets – of course this is bitter sweet because the new 2.3 (Gingerbread) has also just launched on the Nexus S. It seems Android owners will have to get used to playing catch up.

Thankfully the whole of Europe will be able to make use of the update, this shows progress over past updates where owners would have to wait for their specific carrier to rollout the update. If you own a HTC Legend you will be able to update your handset on Friday.

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