HTC Salsa and ChaCha Make Pre-order Debut on Amazon

Posted on May 9 2011 - 10:22pm by Robert

The HTC Salsa and HTC ChaCha, AKA the HTC Facebook phones, are now available to pre-order from Amazon. The phones were first spotted at MWC 2011 and have been causing a stir ever since, the retail giant is the first to offer the phones and is also the first to reveal its official release date – the 26th June 2011.

The HTC Salsa will cost £320 and come equipped with a larger 3.4 inch touch screen and a larger battery than the ChaCha which will be cheaper at £250. The ChaCha is a smaller phone with a 2.6 inch screen with a traditional QWERTY keyboard similar to a Blackberry handset.

Both come with a Facebook button and social networking features built into the phones core software, they both run on Android 2.3 Gingerbread and a 600MHz Qualcomm processor – so it won’t be the quickest smartphone on the block and could be more of a novelty rather than a threat to others on the market.

The handsets will come with dual cameras, the rear one capable of high quality photos and video via a 5MP sensor and the front one ideal for video calls and use on Skype or dare we say it a future version of Facebook chat – it’s the logical step if you ask us.

Are you interested in the fabled Facebook phone?

1 Comment so far. Feel free to join this conversation.

  1. Bowmanave May 10, 2011 at 8:13 am - Reply

    Make this free on contract with no data plan plz since its so cheap. This would make a good phone for kids.

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