We tried our best to let the iPhone 3G launch with only the most essential pieces covering the “momentous” event because the original iPhone was so heavily swathed in media mayhem that it became almost unbearable. In all honesty, a browse around a few gadget and technology sites for most of the last week or so has shown that this launch was equally annoying.
However, we felt it was about time we started to look at a few of the applications that have also been launched. We’re starting with the G-Park, which enables you to basically set a waypoint on the GPS software that tells you where you parked your car. Not only will it then display on the map but you can get GPS style directions back to your vehicle. Ideal for those of you that lose their cars when visiting such towns as York (or, is that only me?).
Available from today, the G-Park is compatible with both iPhone models, although on the original you will only get a map display. With the 3G iPhone you will also get the full directional assistance without the need for a compass or following the night sky.