iPod Nano 7 to Include Sensors and Other Features….Maybe

Posted on May 15 2011 - 12:38am by Robert

The guys and gals over at Apple have been going a bit patent crazy lately, haven’t they?

The latest one to be uncovered shows images of an altered iPod Nano which some have claimed might, just might, represent the 7th generation model. But what does it actually include?

The actual patent talks about the addition of “new sensors” and a camera to “add functionality”. Could this be a change being looked at for the mythical iPod Nano 7?

What else does the patent include then? There is a temperature gauge, motion sensor function and a microphone. It certainly looks from these features at though the clever boffins at Apple have got some changes up their sleeve for iPod, as none of these additions are really all that necessary for a music playing device.

Of course, the firm is also famously active in the patents front, and many of them never come to fruition so it could be that this patent fits into that category.

Previous rumours about the iPod Nano 7 have included the addition of a rear facing camera and loss of the clip. It looks like we will just to have until Apple produces some firm details of their new device before seeing what exactly it includes but in the meantime we can still have fun looking at the gossip and trying to work out what is true and what isn’t.

What do you think the 7th generation iPod Nano will include and what would you like to see on it?

Via: Mac rumours

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