If you’re like us and a mass of other TV watching consumers then you’ll have already enjoyed the impressive benefits that the BBC iPlayer has to offer. Like us you’ll undoubtedly be disheartened by the mere possibility that at least one exec inside the BBC believes that users should have to pay for the privilege of using the iPlayer service. Of course, if you never watch iPlayer then you’ll probably be even more miffed off at the half denial from official BBC sources that claimed they are looking into the possibility of increasing the license fee to charge users in that way.
The iPlayer has been something of a phenomenon sine its first introduction to the market. Viewers have been able to watch their favourite (and not so favourite if they’re that way inclined) BBC shows through a variety of different devices. As well as the BBC website, Virgin media and a wide selection of handheld devices have also offered iPlayer compatibility but you have to question just how popular it would remain if it were no longer a free service.
In case you were wondering who to voice your protests with, the head of technology Erik Huggers no less is the one to have stated that he “doesn’t believe in a free ride!”. The BBC did point out that Mr Huggers view is not necessarily the same as the rest of the BBC but they also confirmed that they are looking at potential ways of monetising the service which may include a separate iPlayer license or an addition to the cost of the existing license.