Mammoth Post-It Note Desk is perfect for Gadget Doodlers

Posted on Jul 2 2012 - 4:05pm by Richard Sharp

In our opinion doodles and doodlers are the way forward in design, after all Matt Groening created the Simpsons on the back of a napkin. My doodle medium of choice has to be the humble post it note, I have a variety of different colours and sizes on my desk for different purposes but none are as epic as this brand new concept desk from Soup Studios.

500 Sheets of Post-It Heaven

This 3.5 foot by 2.3 foot beauty comes complete with a rectangular post it pad attached with 500 sheets of eco-friendly rice paper. You can doodle, sketch or design right on your desktop and the peel it off and stick it to the wall (assuming you’ve the space of course).

Miguel Mestre worked in cahoots with Soup Studios to create the desk which they hope will take off in a big way. They see their target audience as artistic or designer types who prefer to create in an unorthodox way. They’ve even admitted that talks with Post-It are going well which will allow them to use authentic sticky notes on their desks.

They say that prices for the desk are available on request, but we’ve been told it will cost at least $1,000 to buy from their Italian design studio. Despite this I think people will buy it, or at least ‘borrow’ the idea to create their own.

Where would you use it? For work, play, kids or just as an elaborate focal point?

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