Playstation 3 Trade-ins Up 200% as half Switch to Xbox 360

Posted on May 13 2011 - 11:07pm by Thomas Sharp

The Playstation Network has been down for nearly a month and the affects are widespread, not only are gamers voicing their frustrations online about the downtime but many are turning to other platforms to get their online fix. New research from Edge suggests that UK trade-ins of PS3 consoles are up to an all time high, not surprisingly the main catalyst behind this is the PSN remaining down.

The research suggests that trade-ins have shot up 200% with half of them opting for hard cash, the other half have taken an Xbox 360 as a replacement. A report from CNET suggests that the demand for online play has been maintained by gamers who play first person shooters, namely Call of Duty.

Whilst on Facebook this morning a rather apt posts from one of my personal friends said: “I’ve waited long enough, just bought a one month sub for Xbox live”. A rep from our local game store admitted that “trade-ins are on the up and people seem to buying more Xbox hardware and games”. However, our local Gamestop store said they have not actually seen an increase which is interesting when the research is based on Gamestop data.

At this stage Sony has refused to comment and to be honest aren’t likely to anytime soon. Have you or any of your friends traded in your PS3? If so what was the reason?

Source: Edge

2 Comments so far. Feel free to join this conversation.

  1. Mick May 14, 2011 at 2:05 am - Reply

    I haven't bought a Sony product since the rootkit debacle so I'm out of the loop as far as the Playstation is concerned.
    One of my nephew's friends says that he's going to take his in tomorrow to find out how much he'll get exchange and a few others have said they might too but I don't know whether they will or not.
    I feel sorry the customers who may have had their personal data compromised but as far as Sony is concerned I don't really care one way or another as it won't affect me.

  2. Mark May 14, 2011 at 5:11 am - Reply

    honestly, im not worried in the bit. Most of those people that bought XBL subscriptions out of impatience, will be crawling back once the psn comes back online. I used the play XBL, and i actually switched to PSN. Yeah, you get what you pay for sometimes, and XBL definitely isnt worth it. Besides, half the people that switched play games i stay away from. I like FPS's, but they are all the same in my eyes. Besides, i would like to see the number before 200% before i became truely concerned.

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