Playstation Network Bosses Say Sorry and Promise Gifts

Posted on May 2 2011 - 1:18pm by Thomas Sharp

After the last eleven days of Playstation Network downtime Sony officials took it upon themselves to address the media face to face to explain what had happened and indeed the plan of action going forward.

The news conference also contained a bow of heads for seven seconds as way of apology; this is obviously a lot longer than the traditional greeting but is dwarfed by Mitsubishi’s CEO who performed the ojigi for a full minute to apologise for inferior products – so the apology seems genuine to UK gamers although Japanese gamers may need more convincing.

Kazuo Hirai, Shinji Hasejima and Shiro Kambe took to the stage to explain a few things. The world already knew that up to 77 million user accounts had been compromised with a great deal of these including credit card numbers. The trio confirmed that 10 million of these users’ card details have been stolen although the CVC number on the back of the card remains safe which eliminates some but not all forms of credit card fraud; it seems previous advice of changing your card still stands if you want to protect your details further.

They also confirmed that the PSN network will be back up this week with ‘welcome back’ packs for PSN users which will include various free content including movies, music and hopefully more. At this stage a refund or any other form of compensation is unlikely.

What are your thoughts on the PSN network being down? Do you feel this apology is enough?


1 Comment so far. Feel free to join this conversation.

  1. ken May 4, 2011 at 4:31 am - Reply

    $ off your next game purchase would be nice

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