The Sony Playstation network has been put through some torrid times of late, after switching the PSN network back on after an ‘external intrusion’ gamers thought they had seen the back of downtime. However, reports are spreading that the PSN is down again in various parts of the world including areas of Europe and the US. Never fear though, apparently this has been planned all along and forms an overall master plan to bring the Playstation store back online on a global scale.
It seems this problem is not as widespread as before, Sony say that ‘some’ users may experience problems signing in to the Playstation Network whilst they take steps to bring Japan online. They also say that efforts to restore the Playstation store could cause login problems for some.
The full restoration of the PSN is important for two reasons, first gamers will want to access the store to download new upgrades and games and second it will mean Sony will be able to start rolling out the freebies promised as part of the ‘welcome back pack’. This will mean free games, tournaments and content to members of the Playstation Network as an apology and gratitude for patience shown during the lengthily outage.
As mentioned before this current PSN downtime is only affecting some users, if you are one of them let us know where you are based below.
Im in Wichita Kansas and it says "server error"
chicago since yesterday
Northwest Kansas, down since god knows when?
Up here in Michigan.
manitoba, canada … can't log in
I'm one of them…..
Yep, Lexington, KY is out since about 10 Eastern Time
I am in kansas city and i can't login for the past 2 days ..
I am not able to sign in, it says there is a server errror. I am in Maine.
It's down for me, i live in Ontario, Canada
India I'm here on holiday and my cousin psn stopped working around 7 pm Indian time
Unable to log into PSN in Casper, Wyo.
I'm in scotland and mine is down today!!!! :@
USA, Florida…just got my PS3 back from sony for repair (5 weeks) and now PSN is down so I cant reset my password and login..haha, back to the xbox for awhile until this gets sorted out
not working in england as far as i know! 🙁
DOwn in Orkney, Scotland 🙁 Any idea how long for??
i live in england and wondering when the playstation network will be back on as it has not been availible to sign in today??
Oh ya I beleave I'm one of them, based in maine us couldn't sign in as of 9:30(EST) this morning. What's even more interesting is that they must have taken down the sign in for the psn blog as well?
"Some Parts of the US" wow…… Down in texas as well
im unable in
Springfield, MO
I live in Saudi Arabia and can’t log in to PSN.
Down in Ann Arbor, MI…
I am in Tulsa, OK and can sign-in, but I am booted off every 3-5 mins. I can not maintain connectivity.
in houston, texas and it just says down for maintenance
I am in Fruit Cove, FL
I've just bought a psp go n network down in uk do we think I shud return it and js buy a ps3? Cs I cud b w8in months couldn't I?
austin texas is down
Live in Sydney Australia and its even down for me :(. Seriouslynsonybget your act together im the closest i have ever been to getting a hammer and just abusing the crap outta my ps3
In NH network down
Down in Utah
im in england and mines is still online
Mobile Alabama Is Out, I Cant Sign In Keep Getting Error Codes Since Around 6 This Morning (Central Time)
Playstation network is still online in New Zealand, but it may be only a matter of time here too… Get your act together Sony, I cant redeem any codes for MK or Fight Night Champion for Online game modes. Sony you suck!
Long Island New York, been down all day
same error code out on Long Island since 3am this morning
i am in vancouver, canada and it totally sucked ass!!! so when will it start working ???
it seems all my buddies are on in Massachusetts including myself everything is working perfect
Down in Northern Ireland
i dont care ive got a ps3 but ive got a life stop cussing sony, so you dont want the store back JUST WAIT A BIT GOD DAMN IT!
minneapolis saint paul – server down, wont let us log into psn
I'm in UK, can't get on it!
Down in the UK!
ny ny
Tried to log in for first time since outage. Password change email link to "server down for maintenance". Cleveland, OH
i live in scotland near glasgow and it is not working " error has occured" i agree with the dude from sydney its a joke how many times the network has been down over the past few months! i love the ps3 but recon its time i switched to xbox
All Good in Ireland. No Down time 🙂
London England not working – fed up, PSN Twitter profile always quiet when there's a problem full of promotional rubbish when working – disgusting.
leitrim ireland i had sign in error but only for a while can sign in now
im in scotland and its down hear too
NY is down also
Heres a quick glitch try turning on you system and then immediately go to the playstation store, that should keep you logged in. Hope this works for you guys as-well. =]
hi its down hear too in scotland ps3 store not worked since account set update
I know the store doesnt work, but the action of the ps3 trying to log into the store somehow keeps you from being logged off.
It says down for maintaince in Calgary, AB Canada
DALLAS Texas its down
London, England. Down.
Comeon people.
I am one that has been down for which seems like forever! I am based in SC, USA & I am ready for PS3 to get their act together or I am going to go back to the 360!!
It's down here in the England, UK, says it's 'down for maintenance' 🙁 Wonder how long it'll be this time?
NYC…my multiplayer works fine. My psn store is another story. It hasn't been available since my multiplayer came back and says "Under Maintenance"
San Luis Obispo, CA – "This Service is currently undergoing maintenance"….
vancouver, bc is down 🙁
Mine says an error has occured same message when the network was down Im from Uk. When the heck is sony going to put the store back on i have won 2 x £50 psn cards and i wanna use them. Sony please hurry up/
I'm one, get an error code.
Ontario, Canada.
It is down in Appleton, Wi. =[ booooooooo
Alabama is down. -.-
Down in Reading uk
Im in Franklin, Ohio and the PSN store has been down about a week and a half. I also cant redeem codes.
Still down here in Yorkshire, Uk
Down in New Mexico, USA. Sure wish this would get fixed soon.
Down in Dallas since last night.
Im in Orlando and havent been able to sign in since this whole fiasco started. It says the network is down for maintenance. Jerks.
Bellflower CA – get an 'under maintenance' screen when attempting to reset password from sony email.
I am in Maryland and Mine is down!
oklahoma city, ok
I'm near Manchester in England and it's down here.
I'm in Florence Alabama…I hope this problem is resolved soon!!!!
chicago illinois is down!! go cubs!
unable to log on to play station netwok in Texas ,been trying as of 11:00 pm yesturday, called customer support and was told that the server is unable to handle the amount of people trying to get on, and I should just keep trying.(sounds like a bunch of bullshit to me)
Little Rock, AR, been down since last night around 10:00pm.
I'm in England. I was playing the moment it went off here. It was EXACTLY 2am BST. It's still not back on.
Tampa, FL is down. Maintenance it says
Southern wisconsin here. its down for me too
Marysville/Columbus, Ohio out since this morning
down in north east england
Kanata Ontario. My son's friends are able to get through but not my son. Called Sony and they suggested Playstation might be broken. Perhaps I'll wait a few more weeks.
Im in Pittsburgh Pa.PSN was down early,then at 11amest.i played for about an hour,now 4:30 pm its down again
Im In Orlando,Florida and when i was playing it said error you have been signed out of playstation network and then i couldnt sign in so i guess that im one of them. Please put the PSN back online for us ASAP Thanks
Richmond Indiana and we've been out for a few days now
Store has been down in Maryland for weeks.
In west yorkshire, england.
can't sign in to PSN
Evergreen CO is down apparently.
Virginia, and also my friend in chicago are still down
im in california and cant login server error
Cleveland Ohio
ont near T.O down here too
Ireland down aswell
Kansas City, able to log in but lost my friends list.
scratch that my friends list just came up.
Live in Madison, Wisconsin. Can't login, it says Server down for maintenance
I haven't been on for a few hours, but when I was on, I could go online on Black Ops and play, but every few minutes the screen would freeze and I would have to switch off the PS3 at the back to unfreeze it. Also I am getting a Game Invite Message every few minutes from someone who isn't even on my contact list…
Naperville, Illinois
Just bought a ps3.
The vibes aren't good.
Milwaukee, WI. I can sign in but the store is still down.
London down
I'm in casper wyo and i cant login from my psp go
I'm one, and I'm in Indiana! Can't log onto Netflix and very irritated.
Down in Sao Paulo, Brazil
Those freebes better be worth it….. Worst Sunday I've had expecting to play and not being able to is worse than knowing it's down like last time. Anyway not sure if Sony will fully recover from the last episode of inconvenience.
Sorry for asking what is potentially a very dumb question, but I need to reset passwork and obviously the servers are down as discussed above.
Is there any idea on time scales as I might need to get some sleep at some stage and give up clicking the link that ironically says it only lasts for 3 hours lol
davenport, Iowa
Server down for maintenance…Austin, TX.
Down in Rhode Island – cannot get playstation to change password to sign on for the first time with new playstation just purchased. Signing on to old account.
Washington, D.C. down
I live in TN and as of this morning I could not get on the network.
MAN i was gonna play portal co-op with my buddy
then this happens, obviously im one of them in Maryland
Sydney, Australia…. Sony is seriously failing in keeping their customers informed of what's going on… is it that hard to send out emails these days??
i live in manchester england its been down all day im gettin really fed up with it now SONY
Buford Georgia – "says The server is currently down for maintenance."
Buford GA – says site down for maintenance
Obviously it's not just spotty areas it all over
Down in Virginia. For only "some parts" it sure seems pretty widespread.
Perth, Australia and im really pissed off coz mine doesont work either…
Down in Massachusetts
Australia/Melbourne down
Brooklyn, New York. I need to reset my password and the damb system is on vacay.
Down for me in San Jose, CA
Sony tweeted yesterday that it was back up, but I'm STILL DOWN!
Las Vegas Nevada is down for me still
I have online functions but cannot get into the playstation store specifically. Which sucks because I just beat Dante's Inferno (AMAZING GAME!) and I wanted to get the expansion, but it can't find the store to get it! :'( I'm in AUSTIN, TX.
Down in Princeton, NJ as well
Northern Utah is down!
Cambridge MA, same old "under maitenance" page with many languages they've been putting up throughout the psn outages
I'm in chicago, IL and i was just on.
down in chicago illinois!
Down in PA
Portland, OR down
California, bay area. down
los angeles down!
I get a server error and haven't been able to log on all day and I'm from Arkansas.
It's down for me in NYC (rhyme not intended).
Saskatchewan Canada, Still down here. Starting to think a 3rd free game would be in line. Or maybe just swich back to xboxlive and use my PS3 for a blu-ray player.
I live in Long Island New York and I can not access the PSN to reset my password
Mpls-St. Paul: Couldn't log into netflix- insisted that I do a firmware update, then said I had to update my password, sent me a link- that didn't work because "the site is down for maintenance". At least when the network was down I could watch netflix.
What kind of clowns do they have running their network?
Fresno, CA and its down
San Francisco, CA – Maintenance, Day 3
Angola indiana not online here this is bull crap
Seminole, TX
"Under maintenance"
Complete bullshit. I'm gonna get rid of this thing and get an xbox again. This PSN shit is getting old. I don't ever use it but the one time I do, sure enough it's down. Go figure.
Jackson, Michigan. Says my password is no longer valid and to change it via the web. Log in on the comp and it says server down. Oh well, guess I will be playing Halo Reach tonight!
Honolulu, Hawaii
I'm a dedicated playstation 3 owner and have had playstation ever since the first one came out. The only problem I have is that I can't log in to play online. I know the server is down and I keep trying to make a new password but I'm guessing the maintenance on the PS3 site is having some problems too…I really hope Sony fixes these problems because I miss playing online…back to the ol' XBOX360 lol…but really I'm sad 🙁
vancouver canada
San Francisco, California..its down
Down in Oklahoma city
Quakertown, Pa, Down on 5/29/11, just says it's not available.
Site "Under Maintenance" from my login in Chicago
HAHAHAHAHAHAH from louisiana playing ALL DAY LONG!
I am seeing a "Network Currently Undergoing Maintenance" error – I'm in Northern VA, USA
Qld, australia… Playstation store is under "maintenace" all i want to do is download undead nightmare!! Ive been waiting for weeks.
I'm also having issues, Server Down – Panama City, Panama
montreal tabarnak pi ca marche po lplus XP
In Illinois it's down….
im in new york and it says under maintenance when will it get back on
It's ok in Athens alabama
im in new york and it says under maintenance when will it get back on
Down in Chicago
Tustin California, Down
CT PSN SUCKS! What ? they planned to shut it down on a holiday weekend? BS!
here in ontario canada it doesnt says network under maintenance. i dont mind the wait , just glad to be getting free stuff when the network is working again
Im in Cleveland, OH and it says "This service is currently undergoing Maintenance". when will it be back up and running??
I think its safe to say its down all over the world then? 😛
People from Brazil add me on PSN… Massi09_
Cypress, CA
Lawrenceville, Georgie.
In Columbia kentucky it's "currently undergoing maintainence"
In Taiwan with no service
This is sony as a joke, they are down for a month, then after all sorts of apologies they bring it back on line and then a week later shut it down for maintenance …ridiculous !!!! why didn't they do the maintenance while it was down ??? they are a joke, wishing i had not sold my xbox now !!! what a complete farce of a situation leading company my arse !!! they could not organise a P**s up in a brewery !
NY back up and running ! TORO TORO TORO
Down in England, CLOSE to ridding and migrating to Xbox!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nottingham, UK
I am from England i am having big problems signing in!
im down in birmingham u.k 🙁
hi im from united kingdom i can play online but cannot access the playstation store yet it keeps saying (this service is currently undergoing maintanance how much longer before its up and running again.
Middlesbrough , England , PSN = online , Playstation store = undergoing maintenance.
down in bristol uk, under going maintenance apparently… where have i heard that one before
Manchester, England is down
this is the best advert for Xbox ever!!!
In the UK and 2nd day without PSN
I'm in Lincoln, Nebraska and its down again.. and wow this is really freaking annoying
i'm down in san diego, ca
its down for me, i live in bath, united kingdom. server down
Kettering, UK
Mine works really well. Just thought I'd tell all u guys that. And I live in england.
UK never went up
Wales,, and justt today its off :S
NY and it's down
Thats why xbox's are better 🙂
im out today 20:17 31st may uk
still down,im in manchester uk….FFS SONY
my bad
i got connection and everything south pole
anyone else still having problems signing in.
^Rofl, don't do it! Melbourne of Australia and although I can login, I can't play online x_X
Brighton, UK – just went down for me like half hour ago (tried multiple modem and ps3 resets and relogs – still get PSN login error)..
Guess others in my country having same problem now, too? …
yeah, Oxford UK, still down!
Just found out the US apparently had some scheduled maintenance happening for the last 6 hours, and I'm guessing cos the UK is 6 hours ahead, the maintenance for England has just started tonight (which explains my sudden disconnection and problems relogging in), and will likely finish @ 7am (its 1am as I type this) …
Hopefully this will give peeps a heads up – If I'm right of course 😉
New Zeland, i cant even get acsess to change my password on the PC or the console and sony support are nothing but full od excuses, just give the truth and i would be happy about that, its just that i seem to be the only one with the problerm at this stage and they can not explain themselves!!
no go in nebraska,…..i remember the good ole days of the first playstation, you could drop kick the thing across the room, or use it as a car jack, and it would still run like a champ!! what the F happened to you sony??? How far have the mighty fallen!!
In Lafayette lousiana. Also down:(
I live in South Korea, but use American PSN Account. It doesn't work here also.
Dallas, TX – down.
Norway, west. down
San Diego, CA—down.
Tacoma, WA. USA
At this point, I just want to log in and cancel my account with them. I am done.
The store was back up yesterday, so I went out and bought a PSN card so I could FINALLY get Honest Hearts for New Vegas about an hour ago. Imagine how LIVID I was when I found out I'd have to wait for ANOTHER down time to end. That's it, I'm done with Sony.
Halifax, NS
Las Vegas is down
not working in spokane,wa
Clearwater, Fl 🙁 9AM EST
oakland, ca down 🙁
Sydney Australia, down
Orlando florida super shut down
Chapel Hill, NC
Im in Spain and when i try to get into Multiplayer it jams up and i gotta turn off my ps3
coshocton ohio. its been down ever since i got my two free games
baton rouge, louisiana
saskatchewan canada down
i'm in the uk, and it just says on the website there's a maintenance break