The Playstation Network is entering its fifth day of downtime today with no clear indication on when the network will be back up, since our last update there has been another post on the official Playstation blog after confirming on Saturday that the PSN network was taken down due to an ‘external intrusion’.
The new post again explains that the PSN and Qriocity services have been suspended and that they are working all hours to ‘bring them both back online’. Patrick Seybold also explained “Our efforts to resolve this matter involve re-building our system to further strengthen our network infrastructure”. So it doesn’t sound like they are simply plugging holes in the system but giving it an entire rebuild which goes some way to explaining the epic problems they are facing at Sony PSN towers.
Although the post was rather short it did explain some of the reasoning behind the delay in getting the system back online, Seybold continued: “we decided it was worth the time necessary to provide the system with additional security.” Which again links back to the previous ‘external intrusion’ theory for the PSN downtime, despite this no group has taken responsibility for any type of hack and the group ‘Anonymous’ has denied any involvement.

Anonymous says they are not involved
Some have even suggested that the intrusion could have come from inside Sony’s own walls – this is purely speculation as PSN has refused thus far to give any clear details, a fact that has some gamers even more angry than the downtime itself.
One slight glimmer that the problem could be fixed soon came at the end of the post, it said “We thank you for your patience to date and ask for a little more while we move towards completion of this project.” So at least they feel they are moving toward completion. Hopefully the little red PSN offline button at the top of the Playstation website will be green soon, as always we will keep you posted.
I am guessing that there disaster recovery department maybe never had things in place to recover from something of this magnitude. This network must be massive and I would love to see some pictures of their data center. It must be impressive. A lot of people out there probably really don't understand how big of a network this is and what is involved. A lot of people probably look at there PC and say geeez this can't be that hard to fix. But in reality to is massive. I am sure some heads will role at Sony over it taking so long to get back up. There are quite a few people out there saying that it is free and to stop your whinning you don't pay to use the network. But in reality that is not the case. people have spent hundreds if not thousands of dollars for there console, games and accessories to be able to play. There is nothing I can say or do to make them get it back up any faster. So good luck Sony see you when you come back up.
Looks like the simple 'We are Anonymous" Statement will continue to be a question for a while. I do believe "Anon Ops" has no responsibility to the hack, but i do believe the intursion was "Internal" and not from an outside source.
Although, as frustration sets in, i don't think PSN has been real and might have made a little lie in the whole thing. I dont believe they are working all hours and i do not think they could ever sacrifice something not as important to us, but to Sony. PS3 is a great big computer, yet we treat it like life. If sony wants to take our lives away, then they have lost the respect of over 70 Million users such as myself. May patience is thin, and if this is the only way i can get my voice heard without violence, ill make sure this isn't the last time its heard.
We are Anonymous, yes… and we do have the power to change the face of Sony.