Pleo Dinsosuar Virtual Pet With Real Feelings

Posted on Jun 29 2008 - 9:48pm by Richard Sharp

Pleo DinoPleo is a virtual pet with a difference, the pleo not only develops its own personality but is also influenced by the way its owner looks after it – it really is like raising a child as everything you do has a consequence.

Every pleo is created unique and comes freshly hatched Camarasaurus and immediately after the pleo has a new owner it begins to develop its personality. This includes moods and habits depending on how much time you invest in your pleo.

Here is a description of the pleo:

As we all behave differently, so do our Pleos. His super-advanced internal sensory system is bristling with receptors for sight, sound and touch, enabling him to move autonomously and explore his environment without requiring any remote control unit, making him so much more like a real pet than any old R/C robot. His movements are delightfully organic, from sniffing his environment, to blinking his eyes, stomping his foot, and a multitude of other super-realistic movements, and he even hoots and honks if he’s feeling playful or happy. His behaviour will be a combination of nature and nurture, if he cowers in fear at something, he’ll need comforting and re-assurance, if you leave him alone too long he’ll get lonely. The more experiences he has, the more confident he’ll become, and just like you, he can change his mind in the blink of an eye.

PleoPleo has a long life internal battery which will give him an hours run from a four hour charge, and you’ll know when he needs ‘feeding’ as he’ll get tired and lazy – and possibly a bit irritable if he’s really hungry. He starts life as a baby, and his character will mature over time, how fast he develops and what sort of Pleo he becomes is entirely up to you, and how you treat him. An utter gem of scientific brilliance.

 The pleo may be quite an expensive toy but it really does deliver that real pet feel without the extra costs of vets, food and of course the need to clean up after it! We love the pleo and feel it is a must have gadget.

View a video of pleo

Buy your pleo from iWOOT today and start enjoying


1 Comment so far. Feel free to join this conversation.

  1. mike November 22, 2008 at 4:39 am - Reply

    if you treat him bad will he get sad or mad and when he grows upwill he be more smart and does he listen sometimes

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