Samsung Galaxy Tab Might Probably Be Here 11th October Or Thereabouts

Posted on Sep 6 2010 - 1:11pm by Matt Jackson

Talk about building the hype – the Samsung Galaxy Tab was only really officially announced at IFA last week and yet we’re already getting more than a little impatient for some actual hard details. We don’t want much, Samsung, but we’d quite like a little more than “coming soon” and we definitely want more than some wild stab in the dark regarding a release price.

However, with that hard information seriously lacking, we’re happy to go with the rumours for now so the Samsung Galaxy Tab looks likely to be released on October 11th through Vodafone and while it is being rumoured to have a $300 price tag in the USA it’s believed to have a £400 price tag here in the UK.

It is definitely being geared up for release because it now appears on the Coming Soon section of the Vodafone website so that’s as good as concrete as far as we’re concerned.

Probably one of the greatest features and one of the biggest reasons for people choosing the Galaxy over the iPad is the inclusion of Flash 10 support. This means that owners will be able to watch streaming video content on the Internet, enjoy sites like BBC, and upload and enjoy clips on YouTube; something which the Apple iPad is seriously lacking even with some of the more complex work-arounds that can be found on various forums and websites.

it also has dual cameras so that you can partake in video calling and video conferencing as well as take photos and shoot your own video clips and because it’s a Samsung running the popular FroYo 2.2 Operating System it means that you will gain access to two app marketplaces – the Samsung one and the Android one.

Will you be buying a Galaxy rather than an iPad?

Let us know your thoughts on the possibly impending Galaxy Tab release on Facebook.

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