Is there anything more annoying in the modern world than the string of passwords we need to remember to check our mail, look at our bank accounts or do pretty much anything else online? Sure, global warming, overpopulation, the financial crisis and the proliferation of nuclear weapons are all pretty worrying. However, none of that seems so important when we are faced with...

It is always interesting to hear of a new Google project, because the company has come out with some weird and wonderful stuff in the past. Well, after the self drive cars and the weather balloons, Google has decided to help up live longer and more healthily. Which is nice. Details on the new project are pretty thin on the ground but we do know that Google has formed a...

If you still scribble little messages for yourself on post it notes then it is time to get with the times and check out digital memos. Digital memos are like electronic post it notes only without the dog hairs which always seem to get stuck on the adhesive strip at the back. The latest one to enter the market is called Keep and it is from Google. What Keep allows you to...

Do you remember when April Fool’s Day used to be all about really lame pranks which no one but your Gran ever fell for? Well, the good news is that Google is around to keep us entertained these days, and they didn’t disappoint this year either. Google Nose The idea of typing in smelly words to Google and then receiving the results through your nostrils is a tempting...

New details of the exciting sounding Google smart glasses have just come out. A YouTube demo video is now available online and it looks pretty interesting. On the video you can see how a user controls the glasses (now called Google Glass) with commands such as “Ok, Glass, take a picture”. There are also seems to a video calling option and the possibility of getting...

What do you get if you cross a camera which can detect movements with another that can tell different kinds of surfaces apart? The answer is that you get a magical little device which lets you make different types of command based upon what part of your body you touch and turns the whole world into your giant touchscreen. So there you have it. A swipe on your shirt means...

Even if you are a huge fan of Google Street Maps you have probably never stopped to wonder how they can bring such incredibly detailed images from all across the world. Well, a chap at Google by the name of Masrur Odinaev has helped give us an insight into how they do it by posting a photo of part of the firm’s huge collection of vehicles. The picture lets us see a whole...

If you had go guess how old Google was, what would you say? Would you be surprised to learn that the search giant, as of today, has been organising the World Wide Web for 14 years? This momentous occasion has been marked with a splendiferous Google Doodle. The Doodle depicts a birthday cake with 14 candles upon it. The doodle then rearranges itself after being munched...

Google Inc. has unveiled its long-rumored augmented reality glasses officially named ‘Project Glass,’ gaining a lead position in the fast-growing business known as wearable computing. The futuristic glasses, which are still in the experimental stage, will place a tiny transparent screen above the user’s eye that can display maps and other data. These...

Google is now celebrating the life and the 125th birth anniversary of Jose Victoriano Gonzalez-Perez, also known as Juan Gris, a Spanish painter famous for his cubism works. Users who visit the Google home page today will be greeted with a Cubism-themed doodle. Just like Google Doodles of the past, clicking on the image will take you to the search results for “Juan...