If you are missing the Other OS which allowed the PlayStation 3 to run other operating systems such as Linux then you are in luck. The Other OS came with the early PS3 models and achieved a relative degree of success among users before Sony ditched it from newer models and released a software update to wipe it from older ones too. This caused a bit of grief with some users...

Whilst walking around the Gadget Show Live I was very excited, yet a little disturbed to notice the Eye of Sauron following my every move. I stopped to video the ‘eye’ which utilizes a Pufferfish Puffersphere orb and Microsoft Kinect to allow it to track a moving object, in this case people walking past the stand. Pufferfish, The Technology and Earthware have worked...

The battle between Sony and hacker George Hotz, AKA Geohot, is still in full swing with the technology giant accusing him of fleeing the US in a bid to escape the legal charges they are trying to bring against him for hacking their PS3 firmware to allow people to download or use copied games and homebrew software. Sony filed complaints at the San Francisco courthouse...

Kinect hacks have been popping up all over the place since Microsoft launched their motion based controller late in 2010 and now Microsoft has revealed they will release the non-commercial development kit in late spring 2011. This doesn’t mean free for all hacks but instead will allow academic institutions and communities to create “richer experiences using Kinect...

The recent message on Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook Fan page citing the hacker cup 2011 has been played down as a simple bug in the system, one that has now been fixed according to the world’s most famous billionaire. The admission comes after Facebook initially remained silent about the issue with today’s news trying to keep the media and Facebook user’s calm. An...

A hack for the Xbox 360 Kinect may result in players of World or Warcraft actually getting off their behinds to cast spells and controlling the game with the gesture based controller. The team from the University of Southern California (USC) has created an interface that they hope will bring movement into games that traditionally require no more than the use of a gamers...

A few days ago the blogosphere was buzzing with news that Kinect Porn would land before the year is out and it seems there was actually truth in the rumours as today it has actually appeared. Obviously it’s a hack and not an official game but does fully use the Kinect movement interface to control, well the users actions. The adult themed game has been released by ThriXXX...

The blogosphere is alight with news of Media giant Gawker being hit by hackers, Mediaite suggests that the comment database has been hacked and Gawker themselves suggests users change the passwords to avoid further security compromises. In all there are around 1.5 million users in the database which includes information such as email addresses, usernames and passwords...