News that popular photo-sharing service Instagram coming to Android has been talked about by fans for a while now. Now, its creators are opening up registrations in preparation for its coming release. The registration provides owners of Android devices the chance to be the first ones to get Instagram, reported tech news website The Next Web. “Using nothing more than...
Tag Archives: Instagram
Photo sharing site 1000 Memories revealed just how big Facebook, which now has 375 billion photos, is as a photo site compared to other services such as Instagram and Flickr. In a revealing article posted in the site, it states that around 375 billion photos could be captured in a year if everyone took at least 150 photos in that one year. It goes on to say that around...
Social networking giant Facebook is now working on adding photo filters in its arsenal, in a move that may take users away from Hipstamatic, Instagram and other apps that feature picture-filters. The New York Times reported that the company’s new feature was inspired by other photo sharing apps like Instagram, Color and Path. After failing to acquire Instagram earlier...