Not all of us have been lucky enough to enjoy the benefits of owning an iPad, unless we work for Leicester council of course in which case we’ve been given one to aid us in our daily duties. There’s also a chance that your 5 year old kid who is unlikely to be able to read this article fully has been given one by their school to make life easier for everybody. Cedars...

Councils across the country may be facing the harsh reality of budget cuts and spending cuts imposed by the new coalition government but that hasn’t stopepd Leicester council from saying that they will spend £40,000 ensuring that every council member in the area has their own iPad. Apparently, it will cut down on printing costs and make councillors’ jobs easier....

It seems the world’s gone a bit 3D crazy at the moment, and that’s not just consumers. Companies like Panasonic and even Sky are really getting into the whole 3D technology. Panasonic is throwing out new 3D product releases while Sky has announced the imminent release of the Sky 3D TV channel. The LG 3D TV competition also shows how popular the technology has...

There’s been a mass of apps to hit the marketplace for the iPad and depending on what you love most you’re bound to find something that will really float your boat. While there are new releases posted frequently, here are 5 of the current apps that you should consider installing right away. 1 – iBooks When it comes to e-reader apps you’ve basically...

The iPad did a lot of things for a lot of people, including lining Steve Jobs’ pockets with a bit more cash and while competitors were quite thin on the groun for a while there has been slew of tablet PCs released that aim to dethrone the king of what is essentially a giant and more powerful smartphone. The ideal tablet PC for your needs will depend on a numbe of...

Apple announced huge sales and profit figures for the last quarter and put most of this down to the incredible success of the iPad as well as increased iPhone sales and growth in virtually every other area of their business. Those on the outside may well believe that the reason Apple has managed to hock more than 3.25 million iPads is because there is virtually no competition...

Todays big Apple news is likely to come later in the day when Apple will address the press and inform them of what, if anything, they intend to do about the issues that many users are having with the iphone 4 antenna. However, that doesn’t mean that there isn’t plenty of other Apple news in various outlets on the Internet. For instance, the Telegraph newspaper...

If you choose to buy your Apple iPad from the Apple website or store you will quickly see they have their own case and you may be tempted to purchase it to protect your latest gadget (we did and have reviewed it for you). Design When closed the Apple branded case makes the iPad look like a little book, which is practical as it allows quick access and produces a stealth...

Although the apple iPad is set to launch on the 28th May ours has arrived a day early which is great as we can write a quick first thoughts using it. The first thing you notice when you open the box is the design which is typically stunning. Imagine a giant iPhone touch and you are almost there. The iPad is awesome to look at but after an hour of use would definitely...