A new style of robot arm which can carry out incredibly delicate and complex operations have been approved by the medical authorities in the US. The Deka Arm uses fingers that act very much like real fingers to help the user do all of the tricky things which most of us take for granted. It is expected that it will help amputees do things like use keys, put on their clothes...

Isn’t it great when we read about a gadget which is actually really useful? Don’t get us wrong, we love frivolous Star Wars alarm clocks and multimedia socks as much as the next person but we do also like to see technology which helps people’s lives. For example, researchers in the US have managed to use a paralysed lady’s thoughts to give her an incredible level...

During a three-and-a-half week Experimental Robotics course at Stanford University, students had the chance to show off their creations to their classmates and friends in the school’s Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. “The whole project – from design to performance – is three-and-a-half weeks, so this is remarkable,” said Oussama Khatib, one of...