Fans of Star Wars have good reason to be excited today as the entire saga will be available on Blu-Ray at the end of summer. News actually broke that the saga would be available in Blu Ray at CES earlier this month; Darth Vader (we are not sure if he was the actual one) revealed that it would happen in 2011. A clear date in September is now available with Pre-orders already...

The Star wars gaming franchise has taken another step forward with their latest addition, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 which sees the continuation of Starkiller’s quest as Darth Vader’s apprentice. The game is set snug between the new and original trilogy, so about seven months after the first game. Lucas arts have promised that the sequel will offer a marked improvement...

If you’re looking for the largest and most popular film franchise of them all then you needn’t look much further than the Star Wars films. Following the incredible success and longevity of the original trilogy, a prequel of trilogies was also added to the line-up with the final instalment released 7 years ago. There hadn’t been all that much movement...

TomTom SatNavs have helped lead the way (see what we did there?) for years and as well as offering clear turn by turn instructions and perhaps more importantly to those of us that have to regularly rely on the digital stars to guide us home, they even allow us to download new and more interesting skins and voices. Let’s be honest after a few turns the standard voice...