Japanese electronics giant Sony held the launch of its latest handheld console, the Sony PlayStation Vita, in Japan on Saturday, as the company looks to take on the growing smartphone gaming market. Gamers and fans flocked to stores to get their hands on the device, which is the most powerful handeld gaming console yet. The PS Vita features a 5-inch LED touch screen display,...

If you still don’t know whether or not you will purchase PlayStation Vita, Sony’s next-generation portable handheld gaming console, then perhaps this rumor might make you think twice. Sony is reported to be planning to release an update that will enable the PlayStation Vita to gain remote PlayStation 3 functionality. This concept has been seen in the Nintendo...

Sony has announced that the PlayStation Vita release will miss the 2011 holiday season in the UK and the US, with the new handheld gaming console arriving “early next year.” According to Kazuo Hirai, Sony Corporation’s executive vice president, the new handheld will only be launched in Japan in time for the Christmas season, to be followed by the rest...