A round up of the weekly gadget and technology news including the whacky and the wonderful. There’s gaming, green tech, new cars, a weird motorbike, and the world’s record holding speed texter. Not a bad week, all in all.
Masses of game news this week – there’s little change at the top of the all platform charts with Toy Story 3 retaining its number 1 position but new entry Madden 11 has at least added a new game to a pile that had been stagnating a little for a while now.
The PS3 is set for an upgrade and as well as bagging a deal to include ITV Player on their online service, Sony has also declared it will offer gamers access to streaming video. Microsoft, not one to sit back and rest on their successes, has announced that XBox Live will soon be available on Android based phones. Finally in gaming news, the Google Chrome app store will include in-browser games including some absolute classics when it launches in October and there should be a Google Chrome Tablet to play them on in November.
There’s a whole bunch of new cars for August with the pick of the bunch being the Batmobile like Panoz. For the two wheel fans, and the lover of concepts that are unlikely to see the light of day, the Ostoure looks like an unfinished motorbike but does have some cool tech on it.
A woman from Manchester, fortuitously walking past the Samsung roadshow, has provisionally broken the world record for the fastest text ever typed thanks in no small part, apparently, to the new SWYPE keypad from Samsung.
Viewsonic announced that they would only be used LED technology from now on, and to coincide with this announcement they also unveiled a range of new Viewsonic LED monitors including a 3D one and a cheap one.
In green tech, a decidedly cool spray on solar panel has been developed by Norwegian Ensol while another Norwegian company StatOil has successfully completed tests on the first floating turbine that would make placing offshore windfarms a considerably easier task – although finding them again afterwards may prove more difficult.