I am surely not the only person who used to dream of getting a metal detector for Christmas. Am I ? Hello…….
As simple yet cunning as you could have hoped for when you read the name Treasure Seeking Sandals. Groovy black sandals which come in three sizes and have a metal detector invisibly built in (invisible that is apart from the black wire running down from the calf high unit to your foot).
What do they do?
They find valuable Roman treasures while you play beach volleyball. They uncover mountains of golden Egyptian things while you eat a packet of cheese and onion crisps. They detect metal up to 60 cm underground. They flash and vibrate or buzz when they find either a gold dobloon or a rusty battery.
You know you want the Treasure Seeking Sandals but how much are you prepared to pay for such fun, style and adventure? 40 pounds? Sold to the lady with the pirate’s treasure map hanging out of her camouflage jumpsuit.
Good, clean family fun.
Buy from Gadgets.co.uk