Twitter To Collapse Under 200 Million User Weight

Posted on Nov 1 2010 - 10:59pm by Richard Sharp

Twitter has added a reported 30 million users in the last two months taking their overall tally to a whopping 175 million users, if the micro-blogging site continues along the same trend they will have over 200 million global users before the end of 2010.

This rapid growth is pretty impressive when you consider the site had just over 58 million users at the end of 2009 and 503,000 users just three years ago. People have really taken to the platform which allows users to post a mini blog post of 140 characters or less to update friends, fans or customers on whatever they are doing.

Will Twitter cope with their predicted 200 million users?

Over the last two months Twitter has averaged of 370,000 users each day – this is ridiculous growth that is close to rivaling Facebook. That said they have a pretty long way to go to chase the 500 million users Facebook has.

The study did not reveal how many users have are actually active and more importantly what level retention Twitter has. It is well known that this is an issue that has plagued Twitter which has surely somewhat been remedied by the ‘new’ Twitter.

Another interesting fact is that Twitter is often over capacity (you know the crazy whale being carried by birds) which begs the question, will Twitter collapse under it’s own weight?

Some fun facts to end with:

200 million people is the equivalent of two thirds of the US population

That’s over three times the UK population

And 4.2 times more than the amount of people that visit New York each year

Come on – give us a 200 million fact in the comments below.

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