Ubuntu Phone Crowdfunding Appeal

Posted on Jul 30 2013 - 1:31pm by Robert

If a current crowdfunding project gets the backing needed we could be looking at the launch of an Ubuntu smartphone before too long.

Canonical is the London based developer of the Ubuntu operating system and the idea they have is to preinstall their software onto a smart phone handset which would double as a PC.

The ambitious project would smash all current records for crowdfunding start-ups, as they need a whopping £20.8 million in the next month in order to churn out 40,000 of the mobile devices.

ubunutuThe Indiegogo site is where the project is listed and the stated aim of Canonical is to get the phones out and ready to use to May 2014, with the first batch being for the backers who join in with the crowdfunding efforts.

The most which has so far been raised by the Indiegogo site is a little over a million pounds for the Scandu Scout medical scanning device. Meanwhile, rival crowdfunding site Kickstarter pulled together over 6 and a half million pounds to get the Pebble smart watch project up and running.

Looks and Feels Like a PC

The big difference between the Ubuntu operating systems and those of its rivals is that it can be switched over to look and feel like a desktop PC when it is using along with a monitor. The platform has been available on a free download for Android devices for the last few months but now it about to form part of the Ubuntu Edge phones. Backers can down ($830 more or less £540) in order to make sure that they get one from the first batch.

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