Will Macbook Air Bugs and Glitches Upset Users and Buyers?

Posted on Nov 6 2010 - 9:03pm by Richard Sharp

Reports have been emerging of troubles and bugs with all new and super skinny Macbook Air. It seems that die hard Apple fans are suffering for buying the device as soon as it came out. They have reported major problems when restarting from sleep mode. Instead of restarting the screen can sometimes show multi colored lines, flashes or turns the screen off entirely – basically leaving the laptop useless.

Unsurprisingly Apple has not officially acknowledged that there is a problem but a leaked internal memo has revealed that they do know about it and intend to rectify the problem. The advice Apple employees are giving customers is to close the lid for ten seconds, this will start the sleep cycle then open the lid – this should solve the problem (fingers crossed).

Without a public confirmation this is of course all hear say but Macbook Air owners should feel certain that this will not go unheard, the internal memo added that glitches will be ‘addressed’ in future software updates. Should Apple come clean if there is a problem?

Would this put you off buying a Macbook Air?

3 Comments so far. Feel free to join this conversation.

  1. Real talk November 6, 2010 at 9:38 pm - Reply

    Of course apple isn't going to announce they have a problem. They think that they are god like. It's kind of like the iPhone 4 saga all over again. They should just come clean but they won't.

  2. @photogoofer November 7, 2010 at 2:11 am - Reply

    I've had that happen with my two year old MacBook. It's only happened a few times, but I reboot and all is well.

  3. sdfsdf November 7, 2010 at 2:41 am - Reply

    Steve Jobs: Just stop looking at it that way.

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