Had enough of trying to master Through the Fire and Flames? Can’t quite master the ludicrous intensity of Dragonforce? Perhaps Raining Blood has got you spitting blood? Fear not, for there is an alternative to the incredible and incredibly difficult Guitar Hero III – in the form of the Guitar Hero Handheld Game.
OK, so it’s probably not as intricate as the Xbox360 version and it’s limited to ten songs but if you fancy yourself as a guitar hero now you’ve conquered Slash et al then this will amuse you for a few hours. The principle is clearly “based” around that of the incredibly popular gaming series with note sliding down the electronic fret board display. The aim is also to hit the notes in sequence and in time.
The guitar folds down so you can carry it with you when you next go busking down the main street. The ten songs include classics like Smoke on the Water and Heart Shaped Box. It’s also a whole lot cheaper than any of the Guitar Hero games. In all honesty, though, it does miss the Live experience of playing battles against your mates and trying to master co-op titles. Still, it’s pretty cool nonetheless.