Sneaky boy sneaks app sneakily past Apple

Posted on Jul 21 2010 - 8:28pm by Rob

Did any of our readers find the cunningly hidden Wifi tethering app which a naughty 15 year old managed to get onto the Apple apps store disguised as an app to turn your iPhone into a multicoloured flashlight?

The app cost 99c and was on the site the best part of the day yesterday, having managed to wriggle past Apple’s security people, rigourous checking and a line of ferocious guard dogs.

No doubt the cheeky young programmer will end up working at one of the top development companies thanks to his feat. Apple will surely now reinforce its famously stringent security measures even further, to avoid further embarassments, while freeloaders and potential establishment topplers will be keeping those little eyes peeled for more cheeky apps from rebellious teenage whizzkids.

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