Apple Users Download 5 Million Apps Each Day

Posted on May 21 2011 - 9:09pm by Richard Sharp

How about this for a stat to make you choke on your early morning cornflakes or late night kebab. In March of this year Apple customers downloaded a staggering 5 million games. Per day!

Actually, that’s not quite true. The figures come from market research firms Newzoo and Distimo and they were only tracking 63 million users during this time. So the true total has got to be a lot more than that.

It seems that the most popular Apple apps are games and that these make up more than 50% of all downloads from the App Store. The users which were tracked were from the US and Europe and on average they downloaded 2 and a half games each in the month.

As if that wasn’t enough of Apple statistics for one day Newzoo then hit us with the bombshell that between 6% and 7% of internet users in the UK, USA, Germany and France own an iPhone. In Belgium and Holland this figure falls to between 3% and 4%. Despite this – or perhaps because of it; all of these figures have got us a bit dizzy – it seems that between half and three quarters of all iPhone users download games. To further confuse us it was revealed that 7 million Europeans and 15 million US residents use an iPad to play games on their mobile device.

The survey goes on to state more percentages but 100% of the gadgets writers in the room decided that there was an 80% chance of them needing a good lie down before carrying on.

Do you download more game apps than anything else?

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