Full Size Remote Control R2D2 Robot Droid Roams the Aisles

Posted on Apr 12 2011 - 8:48pm by Richard Sharp

We were expecting to see a huge variety of tech at today’s Gadget Show Live, and to be honest we were not disappointed. One thing that we were not expecting was a life size R2D2 Robot, you know the little guy from Star Wars that makes funny noises and saves the day with all sorts of electrical gizmos.

This full size replica is actually a huge remote control toy which was being controlled from about 30 feet away. He has full mobility including the ability to shake and spin his head, he can omit happy and angry noises and provided much merriment amongst passers by and intrigued spectators alike. At one point R2 seemed to get a little playful with a gentleman not paying him much attention, by playful I mean he rammed the gentleman from behind – no pun intended.

This replica droid comes complete with sounds, lights and storage compartment. Sadly no hologram casting abilities where demonstrated, we guess he needs an upgrade before that can happen. The crowds that stopped to watch this R2D2 ‘unit’ were remarkably larger than the ones stopping to look at the Motorola Xoom and iPad 2 – it just goes to show that the classics still have it.

We managed to shoot a short video of R2D2 roaming the aisles of the Gadget Show Live. Let us know what you think in the comments section below.

[vsw id=”IOyQqf4_NCE” source=”youtube” width=”575″ height=”465″ autoplay=”no”]

4 Comments so far. Feel free to join this conversation.

  1. jeffw May 30, 2011 at 1:45 am - Reply

    can u buy one?

  2. jeffw May 30, 2011 at 1:46 am - Reply

    can u buy one?

  3. Tony July 17, 2011 at 7:37 pm - Reply

    Can i buy one…

  4. Lluvia November 13, 2012 at 4:35 am - Reply

    Can you buy one? I would love one

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