Facebook, facebook and errr more facebook actually

Posted on Jul 22 2010 - 8:20pm by Rob

They say that good things come in threes. Whether you consider three snippets of Facebook related information to be good probably depends upon whether you are a fan of the “social networking phenomenon” (copyright:anyone who has ever written an article about Facebook). Anyway, let’s get on with the show.

Facebook news shocker#1. After around 6 years of life, the social netwo..etc called Facebook has passed the 500 million users mark. That’s twice the population of Indonesia. As the world’s population is estimated at 6.7 billion I’ll leave you to work out what percentage of the entire world is registered.

Facebook news shocker#2.The boss, Mark Zuckerburg, is supposedly to appear in an episode of everyone’s favourite cartoon. No, not Vicky the Viking, I mean The Simpsons. It seems (according to New York Magazine’s Vulture blog) that the head Facebooker will voice his own character and will be giving Lisa sound advice when she plans to buy a bike shop.

Facebook news shocker#3. Facebook movie, The Social Network, is to “hit the big screens” (copyright:any movie reviewer who ever ate overpriced popcorn) in October.

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